U.S. Citizenship Application Packages
The following citizenship application packages are immigration guides about how to apply for the U.S. Citizenship. The citizenship packages include general immigration information, answer to frequently asked questions about citizenship, citizenship application forms instructions, and information on about naturalization, citizenship by birth in the U.S. or abroad, double citizenship, and general application information for the United States citizenship.
These immigration guides are designed to provide application information and answer to common immigration questions about how to apply for naturalization or citizenship with the USCIS or how to have your citizenship recognized by the Department of States through a U.S. embassy or consulate abroad, and to give you detailed explanation of the complete citizenship application process, eligibility and requirements. Order and immediately download as a digital file. The citizenship application and information packages include application instructions, forms instructions, helpful links, resources, contact information, information to access immigration forms and answer to frequently asked questions about how to apply for U.S. citizenship.
Citizenship Application Packages are also available in Spanish.